About Us

Who is Ip Ching Ving Tsun Sub Association Manchester UK?

For a quarter of a century – that is a remarkable milestone – the Ching Mo Wing Chun Schools Association has been paving the way in the global Wing Chun community. With an impeccable and unparalleled reputation, our association has been a magnet for bright and eager students from all over the world. These students have been able to hone their skills under the tutelage of our distinguished instructors, who now stand as proud ambassadors of our organization in various corners of the globe. It is worth noting that our founder and reigning mastermind, Sifu Billy Davidson, is a true devotee of the art of Wing Chun, having spent countless hours perfecting his craft with his senior students, who were themselves disciples of grandmaster Ip Ching.

Our association is recognized and respected worldwide, and our name has become synonymous with excellence. We have nurtured a close bond with our brothers in Hong Kong, and we continue to keep the flame of the Wing Chun legacy burning strong. It is with great pride that we look back on our history, but we are equally excited to continue our commitment to the future of Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Ip Ching Sub Association Manchester UK contact@ipchingmanchester.co.uk

© CMC2023